Cultiva Mira Bait

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Cultiva Mira Bait was designed and manufactured in Japan using the finest materials. The advantages of this bait are exclusive “live eyes”, perfect suspending, reflective colors, holographic surface treatment and in some colors also a brilliant and UV – ultraviolet surface treatment.

The biggest force of this bait is the neutral balancing of the so-called Suspending, when this model then floats in water, does not fall to the bottom, nor does it rise to the surface. In waters where many small fish can convince even very careful predators. The best fishing technique is to introduce a wobbler into a flock of small fish, and then it’s fun to spread them.

So behaves competitor predators and it is very irritating to attack. Mira Bait was made primarily for the Brazilian market of ABS plastic, where fishermen mainly fish para robalo, tucunaré, traíra, xaréu, bicuda, piranha, saicanga, but Cultiva Mira Bait is an excellent bait for a wide range of predatory fish from around the world.


Model: Mira Bait-RM 65-Suspending
Running Depth: 0.3 – 0.5 m -|- 1 – 2 ft.
Length: 65 mm -|- 2-9/16 in.
Weight: 6 g -|- 3/16 oz.
Treble hooks: ST-31 Cutting Point #8

Cultiva Mira Bait
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