Rapala Shadow Rap Jack Deep-SDRJD

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The lure will be available only in JANUARY 2019 !! The long-casting Shadow Rap Jack Deep dives down fast when cranked. With a very slow rise on the pause, you can twitch it to imitate the flicker and fade of dying baitfish almost on the spot, or crank it in with a steady retrieve. Other models from the Rapala brand.


Fitted with VMC treble hooks.
Through Wire Construction-
Fast Diving-Slow Rising on the pause
Runs True at Hight Speeds
Sharp Left to Right Turns
Casting or Trolling
VMC Black Nickel Hooks
Running depth: 3m -|- 10feet


Model: Shadow Rap Jack Deep-SDRJD05
Running Depth: 2.7 m – 3.0 m -|- 9′ – 10′ ft.
Length: 5 cm -|- 2″ in.
Weight: 6 g -|- 3/16 oz.
Hooks: Two No. 10


Model: Shadow Rap Jack Deep-SDRJD07
Running Depth: 3.3 m – 4.0 m -|- 11′ – 13′ ft.
Length: 7 cm -|- 2-3/4″ in.
Weight: 10 g -|- 3/8 oz.
Hooks: Two No. 6

Shadow Rap Jack Deep colors:

AS-Albino Shiner
BLL-Live Bleak
BPE-Blue Perch
BG-Blue Gill
BRP-Brown Prawn
ROL-Live Roach
RTL-Live Rainbow Trout
GAU-Green Army UV
OG-Olive Green
GGIU-Glassy Gill UV
PUPU-Purple Prawn UV
SML-Live Smelt
TRL-Live Trout
TRI-Tropic Ice
GHP-Ghost Prawn
STBL-Live Stickleback
PSC-Pink Scad
CPE-Molten Copper Perch
FTPE-Fire Tiger Perch
YP-Yellow Perch
PEL-Live Perch
HH-Hod Head

Rapala Shadow Rap Jack Deep-SDRJD
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