Megabass Siglett
Siglett is a winged bug-bait modeled after a Japanese cicada. Its tungsten alloy balancer inside its chamber is sound-tuned to mimic the Higurashi cicada of Japan. Also, it looks just like one, complete with a pair of translucent wings made of semi-hard plastic which not only slide up & down, but also act as large lips for jittering bug action.
Since line eye is located at its tail, Siglett casts with the least air resistance, insuring surprisingly good casting distance and accuracy as a winged bug bait. When retrieved, Siglett’s wings naturally ‘open up’ and each ‘wing lip’ starts to crawl alternately as it jitters along. Fast to slow-steady retrieve in open areas and stop & go twitching action under overhangs are the most effective application. Enjoy a relaxing top-water fishing day with Siglett. Other models from the Megabass brand.
Model: Siglett
Running Depth: Topwater
Length: 36.5 mm -|- 1-1/2″ in.
Weight: 5.3 g -|- 5/32 oz.
Treble hooks: #8
Siglett Colors:
Do Chart
Tsuku Tsuku Boshi
Haru Zemi
Abura Zemi
Min Min Zemi
Moon Walker
Skelton Sirius
Skeleton Green
Skeleton Purple
FF Avocado
FF Ame Shiro
FF Phantom
FF Smoke
FF Hotaru
FF Kuman Bachi
FF Kumanbachi
FF Kuro Ageha
FF Miyama Kuwagata
FF Moss-La
FF Nokogiri Kuwagata
FF Tamamushi
Frozen Pink
Glow Night Walker
Glow Shirohitori
GLX Hagoromo
GLX Morpho
Gold Lime
Gold Red
Gomadara Kamikiri
Haru Zemi
Indicator Orange
Indicator Pink
Kani Miso
Kuma Zemi
Mat Aburazemi
Mat Fairy
Mat Higurashi
Mat Smoke
Megabass Akasuji
Moon Glow Killer Pink
Moon Glow Mat Chart
Moon Glow Seethrough Chart
Orange Candy
Salmon Egg
Sight Finesse
Sunset Bomber
Syber Illusion
Teiou Zemi
VR (Viper red)
White Butterfly
Yamato Tamamushi