Lucky Craft Gunfish

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The Gunfish is part of the next generation of top water baits from Lucky Craft. This bait borrows features from other Lucky Craft top water lures and merges them into a totally new and exciting breakthrough in top water fishing. Different from the Sammy, this bait is slimmer and walks wider than it’s predecessor.

It also has a distinctive cupped face for maximum spitting action. The Gunfish also features special tungsten resin tail weight system for maximum casting distance even in the wind. The Gunfish incorporates a unique sound chamber that makes a loud knocking noise to call fish out of deep water.

As with all Lucky Craft baits the Gunfish comes standard with razor sharp Diaichii hooks, amazing color choices, and Lucky Crafts “Lucky oval ring” which guarantees consistent and reliable action.

Gunfish colors:

GF-052-ABK-Aurora Black
GF-056-RBT-Rainbow Trout
GF-075-ABS-Aurora Bass
GF-098-NCCR-Mat Chart
GF-100-BABK-Bloody Aurora Black
GF-101-BOTSD-Bloody Original Tennessee Shad
GF-102-BGMN-Bloody Ghost Minnow
GF-104-BCRSD-Bloody Chartreuse Shad
GF-107-BTRS-Bloody Table Rock Shad
GF-113-RBBR-Rootbeer Brown
GF-117-RBG-Rootbeer Green
GF-123-GLC-Ghost Lime Chart
GF-124-BRH-Brown Hitch
GF-125-GPAY-Ghost Pearl Ayu
GF-148-GBBG-Ghost Baby BG
GF-149-BBBG-Baby BG
GF-150-MSCRK-MS Crack
GF-154-CKBK-Crack Black
GF-155-CKBL-Crack Blue
GF-156-TRK-T Rock
GF-159-GNSX-Green Sexy
GF-166-MSASD-MS Aurora Shad
GF-170-GCRSD-Ghost Chartreuse Shad
GF-179-FFGSM-Flake Flake Golden Sexy Minnow
GF-180-FFGSF-Flake Flake Golden Sun Fish
GF-183-PTHFSD-Pearl Threadfin Shad
GF-186-GPTFSD-Ghost Threadfin Shad
GF-185-LHT-Light Hitch
GF-220-IMYL-Impact Yellow
GF-222-GTSD-Ghost Tennessee Shad
GF-225-MSGCRSD-MS Ghost Chartreuse Shad
GF-226-OSXGMN-Orange Sexy Ghost Minnow
GF-228-FFMG-Flake Flake Male Gill
GF-229-FFHG-Flake Flake Happy Gill
GF-230-FFHR-Flake Flake Wakasagi
GF-231-FFAY-Flake Flake Ayu
GF-232-FFGMY-Flake Flake Golden Misty
GF-233-MSPWK-MS Pearl Herring-MS Pearl Wakasagi
GF-237-GBSD-Ghost Blue Shad
GF-238-GMN-Ghost Minnow
GF-241-SSD-Striped Shad
GF-245-NCTG-Mat Tiger
GF-246-GSF-Ghost Sunfish
GF-247-MSBK-MS Black
GF-250-CRSD-Chartreuse Shad
GF-253-CTSD-Citrus Shad
GF-254-MSMJHRG-MS MJ Herring-MS MJ Aurora Wakasagi
GF-255-MSGWK MS Ghost Herring-MS Ghost Wakasagi
GF-256-AGO-Aurora Gold
GF-257-APB-Aurora Pro Blue
GF-258-GPL-Ghost Pearl Lemon
GF-260-GNSK Ghost Nishiki
GF-262-LCGO-Laser Clear Ghost
GF-268-PAY-Pearl Ayu
GF-270-MSAS-MS American Shad
GF-276-LRBT-Laser Rainbow Trout
GF-277-ABR-Aurora Brown
GF-279-GOBR-Ghost Brown
GF-280-AGPC-Aurora Green Perch
GF-285-NCSH-NC Shell White
GF-288-ARCB-Archer Bee
GF-290-GLM-Ghost Lake Mead
GF-291-AGWK-Aurora Ghost Wakasagi
GF-292-LMCL-Lake Murray Clear
GF-293-LMMG-Lake Mead Magic
GF-294-LVSD-Lavender Shad
GF-296-PRB-Purple Rainbow
GF-803-BRT-Brown Trout
GF-802-NPKE-Northern Pike
GF-804-SPSD-Spotted Shad-Konoshiro
GF-805-LMBS-Largemouth Bass
GF-806-TGPC-Tiger Perch
GF-807-NYPC-Northern Yellow Perch
GF-810-NLMB-Northern Largemouth Bass
GF-814-BRKT-Brook Trout-Kawa Masu
GF-815-RMSK-Red Musky
GF-816-NCBR-NC Bora
GF-817-GRBT-Ghost Rainbow Trout
GF-819-CRWK-Chartreuse Wakasagi
GF-830-GOAY-Ghost Ayu
GF-831-PWK-Pearl Wakasagi

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Lucky Craft Gunfish
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