Lucky Craft Bevy Prop
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Lucky Craft Bevy Pointer
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Lucky Craft’s An advantage of the Poppers and single swishers is that they create ripples that extend over a wide range. Essentially the lure has the most impact on fish the moment it “lands on water.” Every time you apply a strong action to the lure through the rod, you can draw the attention of fish with the same impact achieved when the lure lands on water.
As for areas, these lures are effective near walls, rock beds and other vertical geographical features. As long as sound is produced, the lure makes it easy to draw the attention of fish even in a location where the upward field of view is obstructed by nearly 50% with the existence of a wall, or even in a location such as rock bed where a slightly complicated wall structure creates an obstruction.
Model: Bevy Prop
Running Depth: Topwater
Length: 55 mm -|- 2-1/4″ in.
Weight: 5.2 g -|- 3/16 oz.
Treble hooks: VMC #8 and #8
Colors Bevy Prop:
052-ABK-Aurora Black
077-OTSD-Original Tennessee Shad
098-NCCR-Mat Chart nemám barvu
107-Bloody Table Rock Shad
130-PVRN-Pearl Vairon
131-GVRN-Ghost Vairon
134-PGJN-Pearl Goujon
192-MSJPSD-MS Japan Shad
193-KTBS-Keta Bass
194-JPNCTG-Japan Matt Tiger
195-YMSLV-Yamame Silver
196-YMCGO-Yamame Champagne Gold
197-YMCP-Yamame Copper
198-YMCHBK-Yamame Chart Back
199-YMGH-Yamame Ghost
200-YMORGO-Yamame Orange Gold
201-GLRB-Glow Rainbow
202-CLBIW-Clear Blue Iwana
203-RBR-Red Brown
219-PFAY-Pearl Flake White
220-IMYL-Impact Yellow
238-GMN-Ghost Minnow
245-NCTG-Matt Tiger
250-CRSD-Chartreuse Shad
257-APB-Aurora Pro-Blue
261-TRS-Table Rock Shad
270-MSAS-MS American Shad
276-LRBT-Laser Rainbow Trout
285-NCSH-NC Sheel White
291-AGWK-Aurora Ghost Wakasagi
803-BRT-Brown Trout
814-BRKT-Brook Trout-Kawa Masu
816-NCBR-NC Bora
817-GRBT-Ghost Rainbow Trout
830-GOAY-Ghost Ayu
833-SLMEG-Salmon Egg-Ikura
837-PCHSD-Pearl Char Shad-Pearl Iwana
842-ESRB-Engaged Super Rainbow-Konin Niji Masu
857-ASDR-Aurora Zander
858-GSDR-Ghosst Zander
860-YPRR-YPRR-Yellow Pink Red Rainbow
881-GNPK-Ghost Northern Pike
884-AGNPC-Aurora Gold Northern Perch
895-GBLGL-Ghost Bluegill
Japan colors:
0017-Cinnamon Clear
0024-Pearl Shad
0056-Aurora Ghost Black
0091-MJ Moroko
0210-Ghost Blue Gill
0277-Pearl Ayu
0744-Strawberry Tail